Summer Camp – 2024

Summer Camp

Summer Camp Adventure: Gorham, New Mexico

This summer, our troop ventured to the scenic mountains of New Mexico to Gorham Scout Ranch, just north of Santa Fe, for an action-packed week of summer camp. The high-altitude setting provided a stunning backdrop for a week filled with achievement and adventure. Over the course of the camp, five scouts advanced to new ranks, 70 merit badges were completed, and 43 partial merit badges were earned. The scouts also dedicated several hours to conservation work, contributing to the preservation of the beautiful surroundings they were enjoying.

The merit badge opportunities were diverse and exciting, ranging from rifles, shotguns, and archery to cooking, swimming, and even basket weaving. Scouts took full advantage of these opportunities to learn new skills and pursue their interests. The week was also marked by memorable hikes, including a trek to an old mica mine, which offered both a historical and physical challenge.

In addition to the structured activities, there was plenty of downtime fun. Scouts enjoyed playing card games, singing around the campfire, and listening to Logan’s guitar performances. Our troop also welcomed another troop for an evening of campfire skits, songs, and s’mores, fostering camaraderie and friendship.

For those seeking an extra thrill, several scouts braved the early morning Polar Bear plunges into the chilly water, and three of our scouts participated in the challenging mile swim, with Liam finishing first—a remarkable achievement at high elevation. The COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) program also provided an opportunity for scouts to tackle high ropes courses and develop teamwork skills.

The week concluded with a lengthy scavenger hunt across the camp, culminating in a spirited water balloon fight that was the perfect way to end a fantastic week. The summer camp at Gorham was a wonderful experience filled with growth, adventure, and unforgettable memories. A big thank you to all the scouts, leaders, and everyone who made this trip a success!